The best loft ladders and boarding
Tel: 01952 426099 Telford & Shrewsbury
Tel: 01384 500566 Stourbridge & Wolverhampton

Revealaspace use high quality tongue and groove moisture resistant loft boarding which is raised above the level of your existing joists, and provides you with a safe and strong platform on which to store your belongings in your loft.
The boarding choice is a stable, durable, high-strength wood particleboard which is engineered for all domestic applications, including new builds. It is also moisture-resistant. It is fitted using the tongue and groove profile and all joints are staggered to provide maximum strength.
As standard, we raise the level of the loft boarding above the level of your existing joists. This is done by securing new timbers to the existing joists but running perpendicular to them. There are three main benefits in doing this:-
1. Raised loft boarding ensures that the correct level of insulation can be maintained throughout the whole loft space.
2. Raised loft boarding enables all electrical wires, fans, spotlights etc. are cleared with no risk of compressing them.
3. The timber sub-frame helps to strengthen the floor in the loft as the load is then spread over a wide area and not concentrated in one place. This provides a sturdy platform to walk upon and store items, and prevents the ceiling below flexing and cracking.
Sometimes it may be necessary to raise the loft boarding higher than the standard, perhaps due to large timbers running at floor level in your loft or because of an exceptionally thick layer of insulation. If this is required then it is no problem – this can be discussed with our surveyor at the initial survey stage and your options will be explained.